We all have heard so much of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), as this disease is becoming an epidemic dilemma in our society especially to young ones. The access of promiscuity is nearly inevitable due to the influence of technology, lack of medical knowledge and societal pressure. The world is surrounded by this type of silent disease that has been lurking to any couple from various sexual preferences. STD is less discussed to public because of its personal sexual nature. However, it is vital for everyone to be aware about the symptoms and other information pertaining to treatment and prevention.
Medical professionals relayed that STD symptoms are not always visible compared to other diseases. There are practically asymptomatic and comes in low levels if one acquires it from an infected individual either anal, oral or any copulative entry sex. In general, if the symptoms worsen without being diagnosed from your doctor, STD symptoms will reveal strong manifestation invading major organs and will require long-term medication.
Anybody can be vulnerable to the disease even condoms and other protection devices are used prior to intercourse. In fact, men are more likely to acquire the disease and exhibit more STD symptoms than women. The modern generations of gender which include same sex partners (gay men, bisexual individuals) are at high risk. The outspread aggravates for multiple partners and commercial sex workers and thus, extra care of safe sex must be well practiced.
Among the many STD symptoms in men, gonorrhea and syphilis are found to be the most common aside from HIV and Chlamydia, which affects both sexes. Gonorrhea manifestations include pus discharge that can be felt as burning sensation upon urination. It is researched that when prolonged and left untreated can lead to inflammation to the testicles causing infertility.
Syphilis STD symptoms in men affects mucous membranes of the body, genitals and other body parts. One of the significant characteristics in primary syphilis is the painless sore where the infection site is transmitted. This is normally seen nearby areas of the genitals.
Women, on the other hand, acquire such STD symptoms even to the extent that they will experience pelvic problems as well as difficulties while bearing a child if they are pregnant. Herpes Simplex Virus and Chlamydia are two unnoticeable STD found in women.
Herplex Simplex Virus causes genital herpes and STD symptoms in women are profoundly contagious if they are not consulted immediately by a practitioner. They cause itchiness around the vaginal area and are accompanied by small red blisters and painful ulcers. In some variable cases of STD symptoms in women, sores can reach the cervix which can be uncomfortable.
Chlamydia bacterial infection spreads are rather undetectable due to their nature and characteristic as STD symptoms in women. Should there be any presence within the course of symptomatic period, a woman may experience discharge from the vagina, painful when urinating, sense of urgency and discomfort. If these symptoms worsen, it is best that sexual intercourse is avoided, and consult your doctor immediately for further analysis.
Indeed, STD is something that you should not take for granted when symptoms exist and persist. For more information and better understanding of these symptoms, you are at the right place.