Being too attached with multiple partners is big outbreak for Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) like genital herpes and you could be at risk as well if you are not cognizant about the safe practices of sexual intimacy. As much as the society is concerned, it is essential that we determine the possibilities of preventing symptoms of genital herpes and take full responsibility for our sexual health. Here are seven healthy pointers about genital herpes symptoms:
approach of the disease
is not uncommon in our society that genital
herpes symptoms are prevalent especially to young adults. In fact, the
disease is drifted more closely to the females than males. However, the
transmissible infection rate is still higher for those same sex couples and
partners who often perform oral-anal sex occasionally. Unfortunately, using
commercial contraceptives and various protective devices may not guarantee
safeguard to genital herpes.
the mode of transmission
before the symptoms of genital herpes
emerge, one should identify the source of its transmission. Since the infection
arises from Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), transmission involves skin contact
towards mucous membranes of the body around the mouth, anus and the genitals.
When an infected individual carries either the two types of HSV, the virus
travels from the mucous lining to the nerve roots where it stays during the
incubation period. Then the outbreak releases typical herpes symptoms in men and women.
of HSV
are two classification of HSV. HSV-1 cause blisters around the oral area. This
usually spreads across to another person if the infected individual kisses or
performs sexual act through oral activity. In HSV-2, infections are accounted
to genital herpes since they are common to both sexes. The causes and symptoms of genital herpes are also
found in HSV-1 but in minute portion as compared to HSV-2.
symptoms of genital herpes manifest
some form of redness spot on the infected site. A couple of weeks after the
first contact from an infected individual, the person may experience itching
and red spot appears. Blisters or ulcers become prominent later on giving a
painful sensation to the site. Fever and muscle aches may also accompany the
mentioned symptoms.
signs and symptoms
Genital herpes symptoms in men can be
observable as painful urination. Discharges or inflamed urethra, which is
called urethritis is evident. A sense of urgency is also felt and small lesions
around the penile area. On the other hand, Genital
herpes symptoms in women may experience vaginal discharges that can be
uncomfortable during urination. Vesicles can be found around the vaginal
opening and in some cases, the sores can reach the cervix leaving it inflamed.
that are rich in arginine can trigger the disease. Stress and extreme sunlight
should also be avoided to prevent symptoms
of genital herpes from occurring.
should avoid
the symptoms appear to be evident, it is best to seek the doctor immediately.
Pregnant moms and compromised immunity individuals are advised to stay away
from the disease.